Baby Namings and Ceremonies

A Naming Ceremony is a beautiful part of our lives and an ancient tradition. The ceremony can be held at home, in a park, chapel or beach.

It is an opportunity to welcome a child into our lives and the community, with the promise of love, support and guidance.

Family and cultural traditions can be incorporated into the celebration.

Being able to formally introduce a new family member into the world is something very special. Your goals, dreams and aspirations for your child can be expressed and acknowledged in the presence of those who will be an integral part of your child's life.

Godparents, Guardians or Mentors are appointed and acknowledged - these are the people you choose to assist in guiding and nurturing your child.

A naming ceremony can also recognise the need for elders in your child’s life - grandparents, aunts, uncles, longtime family friends - to pass on the traditions and family stories - to help guide your child, spiritually and/or emotionally in their daily lives.

Naming ceremonies can also be held for older children and/or adults.


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